Minutes of November 12, 2007
President Danny Langfield called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.
Guest speaker was Officer Lee Davis, WNA’s District Representative from the Austin Police Department (APD). Officer Davis provided his contact information to the group and encouraged people to use his cell phone number (512-773-2269) if in a dire situation. Wooten NA is in the IDA sector. He explained that calls are prioritized that come through 911 (lost dog vs. family violence). The APD is in a state of reorganization since the new Chief of Police, Acevedo, took office. More information on the restructuring and statistics on criminal activity can be obtained at the Commanders Forum at the Austin Revival Center, 305 Deen Ave., 7-9 pm on Nov 13. The general pattern indicates that in our area violent crimes are down and property crimes are up. Officer Davis described the difference between District Reps and Street Response officers: District Reps coordinate the investigation and work with code enforcement; Street Response makes the bust.
Adam Turner moved to accept the minutes of the September 10, 2007 WNA meeting. Victor Engel seconded the motion. There was no discussion. The minutes were approved as distributed.
Treasurer Janie Riley reported that WNA has $321.75.
President Danny Langfield explained an overview of the meeting procedures. The meeting will be divided into two parts: the business meeting and the neighborhood caucus. Danny will follow the agenda. If any person has an issue to discuss, get on the agenda. The neighborhood caucus will discuss individual matters through various ad hoc committees. If you contact Danny with an individual need, he will direct you to the committee chair.
A Wooten Neighborhood Website has been purchased for five years: wootenna.com. Victor Engel will manage the site. Look to this site for minutes of WNA meetings, links, blogs, email to officers, chairs of ad hoc committees, etc. Help in maintaining this site will be welcomed from members.
Ad hoc committees were formed to assist WNA’s President in resolving various issues that arise. Initially, the President is contacted about a problem. The President decides which committee could best address the issue. If the issue is too involved, the problem will be brought before the membership at large. The committees and chairs are:
- Technology – Victor Engel
- Budget and Finance – Janie Riley
- Crime and Code Enforcement – Adam Turner
- Social and Fundraising
- Membership – Betsy Thaggard
- Community Relations – Marilyn Rogers
No old business was discussed.
New business items included information shared by Hope Morrison re the Village Shopping Center. The Village is under new owners who have met with the North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Association (NSCNA). This development will be coded for mixed use. Marilyn Rogers will contact NSCNA to send a representative to the WNA January meeting to share this information. Steve Rogers commented that the format of the WNA meetings would be different without scheduled programs, but thought it was nice to have individuals give the lowdown on stuff in the neighborhood through the committees. Imron Goldstein reminded the group that the RG4N Hearing was at the County Courthouse downtown, and requested more information. The Glenn’s invited the membership to their Christmas Caroling Party on Dec 10 at 7:00 pm.
Mr. Glenn motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Debbie Danforth. The motion was approved, and the meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm.
The group had an informal discussion after the meeting. The officers provided cookies and drinks.
Next meeting scheduled for January 14, 2007 at 7:00 pm.