President Danny Langfield called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm. Mi Tienda sponsored the meeting.
Dale Ritzen moved to accept the minutes of the November 12, 2007 WNA meeting. Betsy Thaggard seconded the motion. Janie Riley noted a correction that the Treasurer reported a balance of $655.32. The minutes were approved as corrected. Treasurer Janie Riley reported that WNA has $750.32, and 27 paid members. Ad hoc committee reports;· Technology – Victor Engel: needs help with website, particularly with items to report. Imron Goldstein volunteered his housemate at a potential helper.· Budget and Finance – Janie Riley: tracking how expenditures go according to the Budget.· Crime and Code Enforcement – Adam Turner: He is in regular contact with Officer Lee Davis. Members are to submit their concerns to Adam who will collect concerns that need addressing and collaborate solutions with Officer Davis. Members were encouraged to call the APD District Representatives (DRs) for a free home security check. Victor Engel expressed concern over the increase in serious crimes in our area. Laverne Stauffer is concerned about criminal activities in the parking lot at St. Louis Church. · Social and Fundraising – Sarah Reams: no report.· Membership – Betsy Thaggard: Betsy encouraged members to join the yahoo group ( to share information about concerns and interests in the neighborhood. To build our membership, bring a neighbor to the meetings, and add business members.· Community Relations – Marilyn Rogers: will continue to send announcements re matters that concern our community to members via email. Old business concerned the new library being built on Steck Ave. Beverly Kimbrough encouraged members to suggest a name for the new library. Send Marilyn Rogers all suggestions to be forwarded to the City. New business items included an update on WNA’s website, restricted parking, budget overview, and sponsorship updates.
- Website Update: Victor Engel has set up as a clearinghouse for all information for the Wooten NA. It should be ready for testing in 7-10 days. Members were encouraged to sign up for the listserve and/or forum. Imron Goldstein remarked that he knows a handful of people who don’t have computers, and maybe the Membership Committee could get information to those members by phone.
- Restricted Parking: President Danny Langfield received a reminder from the City to re-new WNA’s commitment to enforce the no lawn-parking ordinance. Steve Rogers reviewed the history of WNA’s involvement. Initially, WNA did not opt-in because of the perceived infringement on personal rights. In 2006, WNA opted-in after an incident arose and it was to the benefit of the neighborhood in requesting assistance from the Austin Police Department. Beverly Kimbrough lives in an old neighborhood that does not have adequate space for parking. Officer Davis reminded members that the restricted parking ordinance is enforced only when a citizen files a complaint. Police do not survey the neighborhoods looking for violators. A motion was made by Adam Turner to opt-in again, and seconded by Janie Riley. The motion passed by majority.
- Budget: President Danny Langfield gave an overview of the budget. Income is generated through memberships and sponsorships. Expenses incurred are purchase of the domain name for the website, signage to acknowledge sponsors and meeting announcements, copies and supplies, and 20% for reserve. Dale Ritzen requested that the budget be posted.
- Sponsorship Updates: Christina Muller, a personal fitness trainer, offered to sponsor the March meeting for $250.
Steve Rogers motioned to adjourn the business meeting, seconded by Victor Engel. The motion was approved, and the meeting adjourned at 7:44 pm. Guest speakers were John Michael Cortez, Capital Metro (CMTA) Commuter Rail representative; Officer Lee Davis, WNA’s District Representative from the Austin Police Department (APD); and Ken Weiss, candidate for Place 3 on the City Council. Mr. Cortez reported that 32 miles of the Commuter Rail would be operating between Leander and the Convention Center in the Fall 2008. He reviewed the stops and distributed a handout on safety. These vehicles are currently being stored north of Burnet and 183 and are being tested at night. Questions from the members revolved around: the commuter trains’ compatibility with freight rail; speeds; pedestrian safety; stops; schedule of freight trains; and quad gates. Mr. Cortez responded that commuter rail couldn’t be run at the same time as freight. CMTA is upgrading crossings with quad gates. The WNA is designated as a quiet zone, which means no whistles at crossings. Mr. Cortez could not answer the questions re speeds and the freight line schedule. CTMA is installing fencing in high pedestrian areas. One stop will be located just north of Burnet and 183. Officer Lee Davis is working with Adam Turner through WNA’s Crime and Code Enforcement Committee. The 2008 Resource Manual is available for whom to call for what. Crime has gone up in our area. Officer Davis blamed it on the holiday season. He encouraged members to call APD and schedule a free home security survey. Call 911 to report suspicious characters in the neighborhood. Contact Adam Turner through our website to voice where WNA wants restricted parking enforced, and other complaints about criminal activities and code enforcement issues. Christina Muller wants Crime Watch signs posted in our area. The creation of Neighborhood Watch groups was encouraged. Ken Weiss, a candidate for Place 3 on the Austin City Council, to speak of his positions on the environment, toll roads, and police/fire departments and small business issues. Next meeting scheduled for March 10, 2008 at 7:00 pm. Respectfully submitted,Marilyn RogersWNA Secretary