November 2009 WNA minutes


Minutes of 9 November 2009

President Adam Turner called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM. He asked if members present had received their hand-delivered newsletters, noting that some areas such as Lanier and Bon Air had been missed. Extra newsletters were on hand for any who had not received theirs.


Minutes were passed out. Janie Riley moved to accept them as distributed; the motion was seconded by Tom Klein. The motion passed.

Treasurer Opie Gonzalez noted that there had been no activity in the WNA account, keeping a balance of $1803.78.

There were some announcements from Marilyn Rogers, WNA Community Relations chair:

  • Sustainable Neighborhoods would be meeting on Tuesday, November 17, at the Village Christian Apartments. The guest at that meeting would be Austin City Council member Chris Riley.
  • Capital Metro news: fares were going up in January; ACC students could ride free (paid through fees); Metrorail would be testing its cars from 3:00 PM to 8:30 PM, with freight trains using the tracks from 9:00 PM to 2:00 PM.
  • Austin plans to hold Imagine Austin forums for citizens in order to gather input for a city-wide comprehensive plan; the meeting held at Reagan High School on November 12 was the nearest for our neighborhood.
  • Neighborhood Christmas caroling was planned for December 14 near the four-way stop at Putnam and Teton.

President Adam Turner noted that work was being done on an Austin cycling master plan. He also mentioned the February 2010 neighborhood opt in or out for a ban on front- and side-yard parking and for additional restrictions on mobile food venders. WNA is currently opted in for the former, which is enforced by call-in complaints. Neighborhoods have to wait three years after opting in before a change is possible. There was a discussion on the conditions that needed to be met under each of these regulations, with more information to be available in January when a vote was planned.

WNA’s new Treasurer Gonzalez, while familiarizing himself with WNA finances and official state paperwork, found some fiscal details that needed to be brought to the group’s attention. He determined that WNA’s status with the state had lapsed through lack of filing, likely due to paperwork and filing notices being mailed to folks who were no longer officers or who had otherwise gone astray. He was working to get this straightened out. He also indicated that the bank was asking for some official wording in our organizing documents that stated which officers would be allowed signatory rights. The members present discussed this and determined that, since our Bylaws did not so state, we should take a vote and clarify in them that the President and the Treasurer would have WNA signatory rights for financial transactions. As per the Bylaws instructions for amending same [Article IX, A bylaw may be amended by resolution of the Board of Directors, which resolution shall be presented to the general membership at a regular meeting, and such amendments may be adopted by a majority vote of the membership present. Voting members may propose amendments to the bylaws to the Board of Directors.], the officers presented these proposed amendments to the WNA Bylaws: Add

Article X, Section 1 E. {The President shall} Have signatory rights for financial transactions.

Article X, Section 4 D. {The Treasurer shall} Have signatory rights for financial transactions.

Steve Rogers moved and Debbie Danforth seconded a motion that this wording clarifying the signatory rights of officers be added as appropriate to the officers’ sections of the WNA Bylaws. The proposed amendment passed unanimously.

Steven Zettner of Sustainable Neighborhoods (a Central Austin pan-neighborhood group) asked WNA to provide a letter of support for four areas of focus: 1) a mid-town trail; 2) Anderson urban development; 3) pocket parks and transit plazas on Burnet and Anderson; and 4) pedestrian safety improvements. WNA has sent two previous letters of support for Sustainable Neighborhoods initiatives. There was a discussion. Steve Rogers moved and Marilyn Rogers seconded the motion that WNA provide a letter saying that it supports these four Sustainable Neighborhood goals. The motion passed.

President Turner thanked those who had helped prepare and distribute the newsletter: Joy Roberts, Betsy Thaggard, Marilyn Rogers, Janie Riley, Opie Gonzalez, Laurie Jaggish, Andy Casey, etc. The newsletter has a membership form.

Chip Rosenthal of North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Association has provided information that the North Village Library will have a fundraiser on Saturday, November 21, from 7:00 AM to 1:00 PM at Pillow Elementary School on Rockwood. Individuals are asked to donate thrift store items, baked goods, hand out flyers, etc.


Panhandling has been getting worse in this area. There was a discussion on when to call 311 vs. 911. Some members related experiences with individuals coming to their homes and asking for work and/or money. While there is a ban against panhandling in parts of downtown, there isn’t one for other areas. It was mentioned that there are legitimate outlets where those in need may go for help.

President Turner said that he had been unable to get our APD District Representative (Gutierrez) to attend the meeting. There were noise complaints from folks in the Belford and Mullen areas and also complaints about abandoned cars. Those with such problems were encouraged to call 311.

Janie Riley said that her son, former WNA DR Jim Riley, could talk about his education classes showing kids about DWI through the use of special goggles to give them the feeling of being drunk.

A motion was made by Tom Klein to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Steve Rogers. The meeting was adjourned.

The next WNA meeting is scheduled for 11 January 2010 at 7:00 PM.

Carolyn Spock

WNA Secretary

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