WNA November Meeting Minutes, 11/08/10


Minutes of 08 November 2010

President Joy Roberts called the November 2010 meeting, held in the Redeemer Lutheran Church cafeteria, to order a bit after 7:00 PM. Name tags were available to help members link faces to names. MARILYN ROGERS MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 13, 2010; BETSY THAGGARD SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MINUTES WERE APPROVED.

Treasurer’s Report

Opie Gonzalez presented the WNA Treasurer’s report. The bank balance in September began at $2,110.41. Petty cash remained the same, $16.27. There was a deposit of $105.00 from dues. The October bank balance began at $2,215.41; $192.00 was paid for 1000 copies of the WNA newsletter, bringing the balance to $2,023.41. The first part of November had deposits of $100 from newsletter ad fees and $5.00 in dues, with $222.01 debited for new WNA yard signs. This brought the bank account to $1,906.40 at the time of the meeting. There was $150.00 still outstanding in unpaid ad income, and $15.00 in dues had not yet been deposited.

Discussion and Announcements

* It was noted that a new print shop was being used (Champion) for the newsletter, though it was still in the neighborhood. The new yard signs were complimented. Neighbors keep the signs and get an alert from Dale Ritzen to put them out before meetings. Sign locations had been checked for their distribution across the neighborhood, and it was decided that the southwestern part of Wooten was under-represented.

* Vice-President Christina Muller reported that she had contacted a representative from Austin Parks and Recreation about getting dog poop bags for Wooten Park. The individual from PARD (Danny) was helpful; in short order he took care of the request. He seemed receptive to other potential improvements to the park.

* President Roberts reported that the last work day in the park had about 30 volunteers, with many coming from the neighborhood, as well as Redeemer Lutheran and Wooten Elementary. She noted that Joanne Clem had been the faithful waterer of the Wooten Park trees in 2009, keeping them going in dry times. Water is now available in the park, with some hoses that will reach the trees, one of which had been damaged during construction work. Roberts mentioned that the grant period to Texas Action for Healthy Kids was over. A suggestion was made that members might adopt a tree as a means of supporting this aspect of park improvement.

Guest Speakers

Speakers for the evening were Chris Williams from Austin Energy and Terri Green from Texas Gas Service. They presented information about collaborative energy efficiency programs that their employers offered the public. The information covered such things as rebates for appliances, duct sealing, loans, and insulation. They answered questions and spoke at length about water heater options. Printed information was distributed, along with some totes and some weatherization kits.

Community News

* Marilyn Rogers noted that the City was seeking input on garbage and recycling issues. She announced that Sustainable Neighborhoods was meeting at 6:30 at Village Christian Apartments on November 16. This meeting would focus on what could make the City’s comprehensive plan “family friendly.”

* There was no school news.

* There was a discussion about revitalizing the Wooten Neighborhood Watch groups, replacing the signs, and learning current procedures. Improvement in the crime situation in Allandale was mentioned. Laura de Carlo and Mary Arnett have been leaders in this Neighborhood Watch implementation, with de Carlo providing the training to small groups. CLASP (Citizen-Led Austin Safety Partnership) was mentioned as an active collaboration effort to share knowledge and reduce crime. Krimelabb.com was noted as a website where information on current crimes was provided by ZIP Code.

* There was no information from the transportation committee, though some neighbors described problems on Contour, where drivers may be cutting through to escape a lengthy traffic light stop at Ohlen and US-183. Even a speed limit set at 20 and speed measuring devices on the street haven’t slowed traffic. Steve Rogers explained the results of an earlier attempt at traffic calming in the neighborhood which failed because it wasn’t approved by a super majority.

* An update was provided about the excess coming and going at a neighborhood home – a private investigator had explained to a neighbor that the occupants of the house were using the location as a massage parlor.

* The next WNA newsletter is to be published in January. Those helping with the delivery of past newsletters were thanked.

* Marilyn Rogers reminded President Roberts that we needed to reserve the Redeemer cafeteria for 2011 WNA meetings.

Special Thanks

Outgoing President Adam Turner received a certificate and thanks from the Association for his years leading the group.


A motion was made by Jim Bedrich to adjourn the meeting; there were multiple seconds. The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 PM.

The next WNA meeting is scheduled for 10 January 2011 at 7:00 PM.

Carolyn Spock

WNA Secretary

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