WNA September Meeting Minutes, 9/8/14

Wooten Neighborhood Association


Minutes from the WNA Meeting, September 8, 2014


President Chris Gregory called the meeting to order at 7:02pm. The minutes from July’s meeting were approved.

Sarah Gregory provided the Treasurer’s report. WNA donated $50 for the District 7 Candidate Forum, and paid $35 for membership dues to the Austin Neighborhoods Council, along with $3.14 to Office Depot for copies, and $235 to Champion for printing the newsletter. We received $28.96 in dues, and $97.22 in ads for the newsletter, along with $120 in park donations from garage sales. The current balance is $1982.02, with $761.18 in the parks fund.

Chris noted that City Council District 8 candidates Ed English, Jeb Boyt, and Leslie Poole were in attendance at the meeting.

APD District Representative Officer Hebbe explained that crime has gone down again since July 2014, if the parking lot areas along Burnet and 183 are discounted. Officer Hebbe explained that Wooten will likely be “redistricted” in January into APD’s “Ida” area for crime statistics and patrol purposes, in which case Officer Hebbe would no longer be our DR.

Scott Morrison from Central Austin Community Development Corporation spoke about how his organization opposes the rail bond referendum in November, which would fund Project Connect. Instead, CACDC advocates for a Guadalupe/Lamar light rail alignment, rather than the Project Connect alignment. Scott explained that a Guadalupe/Lamar alignment bond proposal failed in the 2000 election by 0.4%. For now, the focus is on the inter-election period between the November 2014 election and the following election (either 2015 or 2016). Scott explained that various neighborhood associations in the area have passed neighborhood resolutions supporting this Guadalupe/Lamar alignment, and said Wooten could do the same to help the effort if we choose to.

Laura Tomlinson provided an update on the Love Your Block Grant. We didn’t get the water fountain replacement grant because Austin Parks and Recreation Department wanted to see us develop a better connection with AISD so that AISD can raise roughly half the funds for such a project. However, we were awarded a small landscaping grant for the corner where the new Wooten Park sign is. The landscaping work must be done before December 3, so there will be two planting work days on October 18 and November 1.

Marilyn Rogers provided an Austin Neighborhoods Council update. She said the main focus has been on making property taxes more equitable between large high rises and local homeowners. Two issues possibly effecting Wooten included some neighborhoods not wanting drive-through restaurants on Burnet to encourage greater walkability; the restaurants won out, so there will be no drive-through ban. Additionally, someone at ANC said that all neighborhoods ease of Burnet chose not to update their neighborhood plans in anticipation of CodeNext, so they’re currently sticking with their existing plans. Adam Turner of WNPCT said that Wooten would be updating our neighborhood plan, so there is some apparent confusion at ANC about this. Marilyn explained that she is not allowed to speak at ANC meetings for the first 45 days of Wooten’s ANC membership, but will ask about this once her speaking privileges begin.

Executive Committee elections: Victor Engel volunteered to be treasurer. Marissa Latta will be staying on as secretary. Chris Gregory will continue as president. Adam Turner volunteered to be vice president. This slate of officers was approved by the members in attendance.

Sarah reminded everyone that October is the start of the Wooten membership year, and $5 annual membership fees can be paid by cash, check or online via PayPal at www.wootenna.com.

The meeting was adjourned at 8pm.