November 14, 2016 – meeting minutes

Wooten Neighborhood Association – November 14, 2016 – 7:00pm
Divine Redeemer Cafeteria
Vice President Hannah Frankel Presiding

New Officers Pending Confirmation

Two officer nominations were made and voted on, Melinda Taylor for President and Hailey Hale for Secretary. Hannah Frankel motioned for approval and Adam Turner Second for both nominees


2012 Transportation Bond Update (Annie Van Zant and Courtney Black)

The N Lamar Blvd and Burnet Rd Corridor Improvements project is a voter-approved  project from the 2012 General Obligation bond, with a total allocation of $15 million, supplemented with other sources, to address multi-modal corridor improvements identified in the N Lamar Blvd/Burnet Rd Corridor Report.

Project limits are generally located on N Lamar Blvd from US Hwy 183 to Howard Ln/I-35 and on Burnet Rd from RM 2222/Koenig Ln to MoPac Expy.

To learn more about funding, project scope, project presentations and other topics visit,

Question and Answer with Annie and Courtney

Q: 2012 money is dependent on 2016 plans. When will progress begin?
A: Sidewalk development is happening soon. Drainage will follow once plans align.

Q: Stop light timing may not be triggered by bicycle or motorcycle. How do we prevent this from occurring?
A: A camera detection system will help reduce instances of this occurring.


Austin Police Department (Officer Chapman)

Update focused on care impoundment and abatement. A car was impounded on Putnam. A car most be a hazard or inoperable for it to be tagged for impoundment. Clarification that car abatement is when a car is in someone yard and the City takes the title. This means no one else can own the car after an abatement. Abatement is usually reserved for extreme cases

Question and Answer with Officer Chapman

Q: Putnam had three accidents within the past year, alone. How can we address this issue?
A: Speed trailers can be posted in high need areas. Two speed trailers have been purchased although their availability is limited.


City Council (Michael Gaudini)

Council women Pool is looking to work with Austin Transportation Department (ATD) to lower speed limit within neighborhoods. New support for this effort could be found through Vision Zero which is a new initiative aiming to lower traffic fatalities.

The funding of new bonds allow for new projects within the City which the annual City budget will not be able to address.

District 7 constituents can visit to learn more about Leslie Poole’s efforts and other current events within District 7.

Question, Comments and Answer with Michael Gaudini

Comment from meeting participant: New speed limit signs have been recently posted which has helped raise awareness of the speed limit.

Q: What is the timeline for the beacon at Anderson and Hardy?
A: Unsure, will review and report back.

Q: What are the steps to lowering speed limits to 25 mph?
A: This is a process which is set and overseen by ATD.

Q: What is your contact information?


Park Committee Update (Joanne Garrett)

19 volunteers for “it’s my park day”

Hot Chocolate Social and fundraiser was discussed for the month of December.

Grant proposal was submitted with potential for a $100,000 award. A subsequent tour was done as follow-up. The grant awardees should be announced in January 2017. Seven or eight proposals were submitted.


Good News

Halloween get together

Helping Hands has 900 volunteers show up at Wooten elementary.

On December 2nd St. Louis Catholic Church is have a drive a senior event Christmas Carol Benefit.

Facebook will have information about gift giving opportunities for Wooten Elementary students.



Meeting locations include the hot chocolate social, picnic at the part, or Emerald Tavern.

Kick ball tournament will be held the day after Thanksgiving.

Hannah called the meeting to close at 8:00pm