January 8, 2018 -Meeting Minutes

Redeemer Lutheran School Cafeteria
President David Bouchard Presiding 
Meeting called to order at 7:07pm

Approve Minutes

Dave called for approval of minutes
Dave Tomlinson moved
Joanne Garret second the motion
Motion passed

City Council Updates – Michael Gaudini (policy advisor, Council Member Leslie Pool)

  1. Council Meets in February to onboard new City Manager, Spencer Cronk
  2. Negotiation of a new police contract is underway between Police Association and City Council
  3. Deadline for CodeNext has been extended
  4. 2016 bond projects are currently developing a timeline and prioritizing. Website with information about 2016 bond progress and timeline, http://capitalprojects.austintexas.gov/projects
  5. Topics Council is considering :
    1. Parks
    2. Affordability Housing
    3. Flooding

Question and Answer with Michael

Q: Is there an update on Sidewalks?
A: There are some sidewalks planned for Wooten nearby the elementary.

Treasury Update – Marilyn Rogers

  1. Treasury Report
    1. 18 paid members as of the last meeting.
    2. General fund, $1,884.58
    3. Park fund, 5,723.81
    4. Petty Cash, $25
    5. $25 dollar donation to park fund
  2.  Membership calendar is 10/1/17 to 9/30/18
    1. 18 paid members as of the last meeting.

Park Updates – Laura Tomlinson

Discussion and planning for construction of pavilion and benches in the park is underway  The Austin Park Found grant is expected to be distributed around Spring of 2018.

Neighborhood Events

  1. Caroling and Cocoa held on December 17, 2017 was a success
    1. Approximately $180.00 raised.
    2. Thank You to our generous sponsors!
      1. Genuine Joe’s Coffee House
      2. American Party Rental
      3. Arian’s Market
  2. Request for volunteers to plan a Wootennany for winter 2018.

Good News

  1. Wooten Curbside Composting
    1. If you want to support curbside composting for Wooten then sign up with Dixie Davis, Vice President of Wooten Neighborhood Association.
    2. Based on a neighborhood-wide survey, over 40 people are interested in the composting service
    3. A letter of interest was sent to Austin Resource Recovery.
  2. Suggestions for Wooten neighborhood projects
    1. Newsletter – a goal of distributing in spring, request for volunteers.
    2. Meals on Wheels and More – volunteers to help elderly residents sign-up for services.
    3. Promote Wooten Neighborhood Association meetings through ads or flyers. Any other recommendations?

Austin Police Department Updates – Officer Chapman & Commander Mason

  1. Officer Mason commended APD staff for the quick and skillful response to an emergent situation in the nearby area resulting in saving the life of women.
  2. Dollar Generals in Austin have been targets of robberies.
  3. Personal burglaries tend to be concentrated East of I-35.
  4. Car burglaries tend to occur along the I-35 corridor.

Question and Answer with Officers Chapman and Mason

Q: Request for an update regarding an increase in gunshots and fireworks since New Years.
A: Officer Chapman has flagged the area for more patrol cars. Wooten Park and off of Putnam seem to have high rates of complaints. Fewer patrol units on the roads due to the decrease in patrol cars.

Q: What is the schedule for when the patrol cars will be back on the road?
A: Output of 20 cars per week of both marked and unmarked. Should take another 4-6 months.

Q: Any insight into the reasoning for the increase in gunshots and fireworks.
A: Not at this time.

Q: Do Police always show up when there is a call about shooting?
A: Varies depending on what is being reported and the volume of other higher priority calls.

Q: Three situations have occurred where gun casings were found. How does this impact the case?
A: This influences the investigators.

Q: How do related calls get tracked?
A: Case numbers from multiple calls in the same area will be merged.

Q: Can we have more information about the volume of these issues?
A: We will look into asking our crime analyst to look into creating a report regarding crimes in the area.

Q: Request for update on the ticketing of homeless under 183.
A: TXDoT organizing the cleanups under 183. There are efforts underway to finalize MOU which would allow APD to enforce rules this area. Reassurance that there is a continued effort to get services to the homeless in this area.

Q: Is Zoe’s Place still open?
A: A “For Lease” sign is up however residents are still in the building.

Wooten Neighborhood Planning Contact Team (WNPCT)- Adam Turner

Next meeting is Monday, January 15th at SLAB BBQ. Meetings are always the following Monday after the neighborhood association meeting. WNPCT established approximately 7 to 8 years ago.

The following agenda items were tabled due to time constraints. 

2018 WNA Meetings – possible room change due to Redeemer Construction April – August. 


The meeting was adjourned at 8:08.