Wooten Neighborhood Association – January Minutes
- Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm. The meeting was held at the lunch room in the Redeemer School. The meeting was called to order by the president.
- Introductions: The attendees went around introducing themselves, including how long they have lived in the neighborhood and where they live. There were 13 Wooten neighbors attending the meeting. This includes neighbors that lived on various parts of the neighborhood, including neighbors from Burrell, Kromer, Fairfield, Weyford, Kenbridge, and Putnam streets. One of the attendees has lived in the neighborhood for over 40 years.
- Reading of the minutes: The Secretary reported on the previous meeting minutes and mentioned they were posted on the Wooten website. The last meeting was held in November with about six attendees. The meeting went over the follow up items from the September meeting.
- Attendees asked about the website. The website has meeting minutes in Spanish and English
- The officers will follow up with the city of Google Fiber and Anderson Lane safety.
- Treasury report: The treasure provided an update on the accounts for the association. The savings account maintains $25 and there is $1400 in the general fund. The Park fund has $2000 dollars. The treasure mentioned that about $155 needed to be deposited into the account.
- Park report: The Park Day in November was a success. About 25 volunteers helped mulch and clean out the garden beds. Another Park Day is planned for March 4. Typically, Park Day goes from 9 am to 1 pm. For the March 4th Park Day, the plan is to mulch more trees and plant some flowers. A shoutout was given to Kathryn Rogers (and her son) for helping out watering the plants and she covered the plants during the last freeze.
- Discussion items: The president went over discussion items from previous meetings and new items that have been brought up:
- Neighborhood Meeting Signs: There has been a request to add about 15 more signs to be put in the neighborhood that advertise the meeting and the location of the meeting. Attendees asked how many signs currently exist and where they are located. Currently, there are about 12 signs. The officers will follow up on locations and see if there is a need to add more signs and where to best locate them.
- Website: The Wooten NA website is out of date. The website has been hosted by a volunteer, but not maintained so the website needs updates and have more usable content. The President discussed issues with the website including not having an email relay service (e.g., no president@wootenna.org email address). Other items to add are having a subscribers link and allowing for advertisement. To do these updates, we would need to pay a monthly fee to have it hosted and add the additional components. In addition, there is a need to digitize the records and have some cloud service to host our records and items. The officers said they will review the fees and what it would cost as currently the volunteer hosting the website is paying for the page.
- One of the attendees volunteered to help with the website.
- Follow-up includes meeting with the volunteer to obtain advice on the website.
- Attendees discussed having a neighborhood listing on the website.
- We are still looking for volunteers to help with the website.
- Revenues: The President discussed the cost. The Wooten NA membership fee is $5 while the neighboring membership fees are at least $15. With the association wanting to do more on the website and getting signs, we want to make sure we have reserves available for future endeavors.
- Wooten Get Together: The association used to host get togethers prior to the Pandemic and the officers would like to have an event in the future. Discussion led to having a happy hour in April and having something after It’s my Park Day (March 4th) for those that volunteer and participate in the event.
- Open Discussion: Attendees asked about certain houses in the neighborhood and their status as homes have been on sale for a while, including the house on Villanova. Other conversations discussed noise ordinances and how to insulate homes to reduce noise as well as having Zoom/virtual meetings.
- Officers discussed looking for volunteers that can help run a Zoom or Virtual meeting.
- School Update: All the schools are going through renovation. Navarro High School is looking for more sponsorship and help. If interested, reach out to Kathryn Rogers.
- Close: The meeting adjourned around 8:30 pm.