July 8th Wooten NA Minutes

Committee Check Ins

Park Team

  • Working on pets project to memorialize those who have passed away. Little memorial stones.

Contact Team

  • Meet With Adam Greenfield to discuss restrictive covenants
  • Going to have a follow up meeting July 16th at 8 pm. Nosh and Bevvy.
  • Chito chimed in about Dale Connection.
  • He wants to Preserve access for rail.
  • Suggested adding funding for Improvements to Wooten Park
    • Shade structures
      • trees
    • Splash pad
    • Grills
  • Mentioned Emerald Tavern rezoning
  • Polaris tract by middle school
  • Community Police Rep Officer Coleman gave an update on Polaris tract
    • Holes in fence and has had trespassing
    • Deceased person found on site.
    • Police an provide property manager contact.
    • Mentioned abandoned building near preschool on Ohlen
    • Also mentioned abandoned vehicles.
    • Chito mentions they want to double the vehicle abatement police officer from 2 to 4.
    • Also issues with van campers. Can’t do anything about them unless they start spilling over into the street or adding shade structures.
    • Fire in abandoned buildings nearly always connected to homeless squatters.
    • 1000 permanent supportive housing units coming up in the year should help with homelessness
    • Her supervisor is Sgt. Huskins.  

Land line Phone Issues

  • AT&T landline down.
    • Chito volunteered to help. They are on city right of way.
  • Rezoning Case Again
    • Park Requests
    • Flood control as walkable amenity
      • Like triangle or Mueller
    • Dog Park
    • grills
    • Splash pad
    • Seju and Joanne have a list but where not present at the meeting.
    • Concerns about causing extra noise. Try to orient new amenities along Dale.
    • Chito will look at what the Improvement Plan is for Wooten
    • Further parks could come from Climate Bond land acquisition
      • Chito wants to focus on mode shift, getting people to use cars less and use other carbon efficient modes of transportation.

Future ideas

  • Acquire easement at Polaris property for Redline trail.
  • More biking infrastructure
    • Get it into the ASMP
  • Question about triangle lot near middle school. Whats the plan? Looks like it’s owned by AISD.

Kathie Tovo speaks about her Mayoral Campaign.