Treasury Report
- Signers on bank accounts switched to new officers, and they now have access to online banking.
Park Committee
March 3rd was Its My Park Day and was very successful. Volunteers mulched all the trees, the soccer field and cleaned out the garden bed. 15-20 people helped out.
Contact Team
- Polaris Case
- Contact Team came to an agreement with Developer. Developer will grant an easement to the redline parkway, create way signs to indicate where the parkway is accessible to the public from the front of the property, and make sections of the property fronting the property pleasant and accessible to residents Also, they will work on street improvements in the neighborhood, create covered bike parking for residents and guests and separate parking from apartment leases.
- Anderson Square
- Developer gave a draft of the restrictive covenant for the Contact team to review.
- Austin Parks Foundation will be accepting $100k on behalf of the Wooten Park. We’re looking for more volunteers to help organize this.
- First newsletter in 5 years. Launched went successfully. Next one will be in July and quarterly thereafter. Looking for volunteers to support and write articles. Also, we have a Dog of the newsletter feature so we’re looking for people to submit dog pictures.
- Been a long time since it’s reviewed. Changes suggested
- Membership process was too complicated so they need to be simplified
- Prorating on dues
- Changes to officers and elections, extending to 2 years.
- Officer process and nominating committee, required too many volunteers
- Updating how officers get removed.
- Added to Vice President responsibilities to be responsible for communication
- Moving member tracking to treasurer.
- Change meeting frequency from quarterly to at least quarterly (but likely moving to monthly)
- Added gender to list of people we are seeking active participation.
- Goal is present changes for a vote at the next meeting
- Not enough money to achieve goals.
- We want to stream meetings as many people cannot attending, particularly parents of young children.
- Upgrading IT infrastructure
- Adding Bitwarden as a password keeper $10 per month.
- Looking to try to use Google Workspace.
- Move to Association owned domain, rather than a volunteer where it could get lost.
- Want to pay for mail chimp for newsletter.
- Projected an operating cost of $1000 a year.
- Discussed sponsor package for Newsletter as primary fund raising method.
- Switching to monthly meetings so we’ll want more speakers
- Ideas, Tom from Redline Parkway
- New Parks adept. director
- Location will still be at Redember
- Will start meeting monthly
New Business
- APF MOU discussion. They want 80% of NA members to approve.
- Ideas for dealing with this
- Online voting
- Proxy voting
- Counter offer with a poll.
- PARD has community engagement, could we take advantage of that?
- Streaming meetings could more diversity which APF would want.
- Ideas for dealing with this
- Dog is no longer chasing postman.
- Council Member Vela’s office supported painting of stripes at Fairfield and Contour to reduce crashes that have been occurring there.
- Council Update: Burrel has been under construction. Timothy, from Council Member Vela’s offices, is monitoring to make sure that bikelanes, which are called for in the City’s Mobility plan, are installed as part of the repaving.