WNA January Meeting Minutes, 1/12/15

Wooten Neighborhood Association


Minutes from the WNA Meeting, January 12, 2015


President Chris Gregory called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. The minutes from November’s meeting were approved.

Victor Engel provided the Treasurer’s report. As of November 2014, our beginning balance was $2180.01, and the present balance (at the end of November) was $2231.78. This still does not include all of the annual dues paid at the last meeting.

Rhan Jackson attended the APD Commanders’ forums and provided an update. Rhan said he met officer Judson “Jud” Chapman, who will be Wooten’s new District Representative (DR). Wooten is now part of Region 1 within APD’s “Ida” area, and we now have a new DR. Officer Chapman’s phone number is 512-974-4705. He had a prior commitment this evening, but said he plans on attending WNA meetings in the future.

Rhan said that Commander Mahoney, also from our region, provided an update on the recent homicides in Brentwood, and said that APD knows what occurred in that incident, and reports will be coming out in the news media in the coming days/weeks. Citizens were reminded that DRs can help with code enforcement issues, and they asked that citizens advise the new City Council members that “we need more cops.” Finally, for South By Southwest (SXSW), APD will only be taking seven non-patrolling officers per region each day to help with the festival. (Neighbors had raised concerns in the past that such festivals will deplete officers from their usual patrols, which is not the case.)

Chris said he will email Officer Chapman about a speed reduction sign on Anderson Lane, as Victor brought it up at the last meeting, but there has been no new sign placed on Anderson since then.

Chris explained that Leslie Poole is the new District 7 City Council representative, and she and/or her staff will likely be attending WNA meetings in the future.

Parks Committee officers were not in attendance, but Betsy Thaggard offered to the group that they are waiting on a nice day to install the edging around the new Wooten Park sign, so there may be a call for volunteers to help with that project in the coming weeks/months.

Marissa Latta asked about the parking situation on Lazy Lane. A neighbor recently emailed Chris about Charles Maund Toyota employees parking on the street and taking up parking space for residents; the neighbor said she was applying to the City for permit parking on the street. Scott Haywood said he was told by the dealership that most employees will be parking in the new garage they are building once it is constructed, and Chris offered to talk to the dealership as a WNA representative if anyone has any issues with employees parking in front of their homes. Chris also said he would follow up with the neighbor who petitioned for permit parking to see where the City is in that process, and what input WNA might have in the determination.

Betsy said she would be able to put out one more newsletter, at some point in the future, but solicited volunteers to continue with the newsletter production if anyone is interested in carrying on the responsibility.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:27pm.