September 11, 2017 – meeting minutes

On September 11, 2017, members of the Wooten Neighborhood Association elected new officers and heard about some pretty interesting stuff.

Wooten Neighborhood Association meeting – September 11, 2017

Redeemer Lutheran School Library
President Melinda Taylor preceding

Approval of minutes
Melinda called to approve the minutes. Adam Turner moved to approve the minutes and Joanne second the motion. The motion passed with noted revisions.

Austin Independent School District (AISD) Update on November 7th bond (Mark Grayson)
Bond for 1.05 Billion dollars. The bond will not increase tax rate and AISD has in fact lowered the tax rate in the past three years. The bond will lead to:

  • 16 new or renovated schools in AISD, specifically T.A. Brown.
  • District wide improvements such as technology updates and new buses.
  • Reinvention programs such as
    • Early College high schools
    • Renovations to fine arts areas
    • new LBJ ECHS medical High School

Question and Answer with Mark Grayson were tabled due to time constraints. Mark was available after the meeting to answer questions.

Update with Officer Chapman and Officer Mason
APD may be granted the authority to issue warnings and citations to individuals who are homeless and living under 183. Officer Chapman introduced Officer Mason. Officer Mason just gained jurisdiction over the Wooten area. Officer Mason thanked the association for allowing APD staff to present at our meetings and encouraging the two-way exchange of information.  Meeting attendees expressed gratitude to Officer Chapman for attending the association meeting and continuing to provide updates.

Question and Answer with Officers Chapman and Mason
Q: Shots were fired on Fairfield. Is there an update on this incident?
A: Will have to review the police reports to see what incident this is.

Q: Is there an update on Zoe’s place?
A: No new information at this time.

Update from City Council with Michael G. from Leslie Pool’s office
Version 2 of Code Next will be released end of the week. Initial feedback from the community was that Code Next was difficult to understand. Steps have been taken to make the information easier to understand for the general public. The budget for the City must be passed by the end of the week.

Question and Answer with Michael G. 
Q: Have changes been made to code next based on the feedback from the public?
A: A more thorough vetting system has been created for the approval of the code. The code must now be vetted through Boards and Commissions before being approved by City Council.

Q: How do existing deed restrictions play into Code Next?
A: Code Next will not override any deed restrictions but the city does not enforce deed restrictions. It is required that private citizens enforce the deed restrictions.

Treasure’s Report

Joanne Garrett provided an update on the neighborhood’s four funds.
General Fund: $1,896.16
Park Fund: $5,618.36
Saving Fund: $25.00
Petty Fund: $20.00

Important dates
November 4th – It’s my park day
October 3rd – National Night Out
September 18th – the Wooten Neighborhood Planning Contact Team (WNPCT) meets at Shu Shu’s at 7:00pm. WNPCT will review their bylaws at this meeting as well as elect new officers. Officer positions which need to be filled are Vice Chair and Attendance Keeper. Joanne volunteered to be the Attendance Keeper.

Update to Wooten Bylaws
Updates were made to Wooten Bylaws to make the officers’ roles more clear and to update how communication is done. Melinda called for a motion to approve the changes to the bylaws. Adam Turner approved the update to the bylaws and Olive second the motion. The motion was approved.

Election of new officers
Nominees are Dixie Davis for Vice President, Dave Bouchard for President, Marilyn Rodgers for treasurer and Hailey for secretary. Melinda asked for a motion to confirm new officers. Motion to confirm new officers was passed by Steven and second by Adam. New Officers were confirmed.