Letter from the WNA President

Fellow Wootenites,

When I began my tenure as Wooten Neighborhood Association (WNA) president in November, I could never have predicted we’d find ourselves in the middle of a pandemic eight months later, but here we are. The city is seeing escalating infection and death rates from COVID-19, and Travis County officials recently extended the Stay At Home order until August 15. It’s been challenging to say the least to adjust to measures designed to keep us safe and healthy. This May, for the first time in a long time, WNA canceled its bi-monthly meeting. It was my opinion that, in the best interest of our neighbors, we should cancel our July meeting as well, so that’s what we did. But if there are any issues you feel need to be addressed, please reach out to me (president@wootenna.com) and I will do my best to help.

We are dealing with job changes/losses, home schooling, child care adjustments, work at home arrangements, loss of/increase in family time, financial strain, and so much more. Stress can bring out the best or the worst in people, and I’ve been so heartened to see how you’re taking care of each other – in some cases people you’ve never met before. As you’ve been reading on our website, and our Nextdoor and Facebook pages, Wootenites have risen to the occasion to care for the most vulnerable in our community and spread a little joy during a time of much fear and uncertainty. Personally, I’ve never seen so many folks out walking or working in their yards. It’s been really nice to meet some new neighbors (in a socially-distant manner, of course).

It would be easy to give in to the strain of the times. But keep doing what you’re doing. Stay positive. Take care of each other. Lend a (gloved) hand when you can.

Be well,