September 14, 2024 Mayoral & District 4 Candidate Forum

North Loop • Ridgetop • Windsor Hills • Windsor Park • Wooten Neighborhood Associations

10:00 AM • Saturday, September 14, 2024

Memorial United Methodist Church Gymnasium at back of complex

 6100 Berkman Drive


•   All candidates who filed with the Office of the City Clerk were invited.

•   Campaign materials and yard signs may be placed on tables provided.

•   No campaign materials are to be distributed in the meeting room or to the audience.

•   Each candidate is allowed a two-minute opening statement.

•   Cards for questions will be provided for attendees to submit. Sorry, but time constraints with 10 candidates means attendees will not be able to directly ask questions of candidates.

•   Moderators have prepared questions, but will strive to include questions from attendees.

•   Moderators will set the time limit for each question, with a maximum of 2 minutes.

•   30-Second, 15-Second, & STOP warning signs will alert candidates to PLEASE STOP.

•   Candidates arriving late will be allowed a 2-minute introduction. Moderators have discretion on any further participation.

10:00 AM – Meeting Introductions and Forum Format

•   Windsor Park NA President Jeanette Swenson’s welcome to participating Neighborhoods officers and members, and guests from other neighborhoods

•   Housekeeping: Coffee, snack & restroom locations, brief forum format explanation, etc.

•   Introduction of other Moderator(s) (TBD)

1010AM • City Council District 4 Candidates (In the order they appear on the City Clerks’ site.)

Monica Guzmán ……………………… Website:

Louis Herring ………………………….. Website:

Jim Rabuck

Eduardo “Lalito” Romero

José “Chito” Vela …………………… Website:

  1. 11:20 AM • Mayoral Candidates (In the order they appear on the City Clerks’ site.)

Jeffery L. Bowen …………………….. Website:

Doug Greco ……………………………… Website:

Carmen D. Llanes Pulido ……….. Website:

Kathie Tovo …………………………….. Website:

Kirk Watson ……………………………. Website:


October 7 ……. Last day to Register to Vote

October 21 ….. Early Voting begins

October 25 ….. Last day to apply to Vote By Mail

November 1 … Last day of Early Voting

November 5 ELECTION DAY 7AM – 7PM

November 14 .. Last day to Register for Runoff

December 2 …. Early Runoff Voting begins

December 10 .. Last day of Early Runoff Voting

December 14 .. Runoff  Election