Llamada al Orden: La reunión fue llamada al orden a las 7:05 pm. La reunión se llevó a cabo en el comedor de la Escuela Redentor. La reunión fue llamada al orden por el presidente. Introducción: La gente que estaba more »
Category: WNA Minutes
WNA Meetings are held every other month in the Redeemer Lutheran Church School’s Cafetorium. Minutes are posted below, most recent first.
Wooten Neighborhood Association Meeting – July 2022
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm. The meeting was held at the lunch room in the Redeemer School. The meeting was called to order by the president. Introductions: The attendees went around introducing themselves, more »
WNA meeting overview for May 9, 2022
There were 18 people in attendance including some new faces. We went around the room and introduced ourselves, said what street we live on and how long we’ve been in the neighborhood. Longevity: Mr. McGlamery and his wife bought their more »
WNA meeting overview for March 14, 2022
We had a good turn-out at the first WNA Meeting we’ve had in quite a while. Now it’s back to business, with officer elections coming soon.
July 9, 2018 – Meeting Minutes
Wooten Elementary School Library President David Bouchard called the meeting to Order Approval of July Minutes Motion was made to approve minutes motion was second. Motion passed. Officer Elections David Bouchard was nominated for the officer position of President. Motion more »