Category: Park

Located near the Northern boundary of Wooten, Wooten Park is a beloved part of the community. Our neighborhood has been actively improving the park since 2005. Some highlights of work include raised butterfly gardens near the school, planting of almost 100 trees, regularly participating in It’s My Park Day, and installing the beautiful garden bed near the park sign. See the complete history of the park for more information.

We are currently fundraising for a shaded picnic area to be funded through grants. To show our ongoing commitment to our park, we are hoping to raise at least $10,000 of the necessary funds ourselves. See our full prospectus for more information.

Ready to donate?
Check via Wooten Neighborhood Association, PO Box 10171, Austin TX 78766
Austin Parks Foundation (Tax deductible)

It’s My Park Day! Wooten Neighborhood Park

Saturday 11/4/2023 9a – Noon RSVP here and receive a free t-shirt:…/397282-Wooten-Park… We’ve been approved for It’s My Park Day this Fall. Let’s work together to keep our neighborhood garden looking great. Be sure to hydrate and wear sunblock! Tools more »