Saturday 11/4/2023 9a – Noon RSVP here and receive a free t-shirt:…/397282-Wooten-Park… We’ve been approved for It’s My Park Day this Fall. Let’s work together to keep our neighborhood garden looking great. Be sure to hydrate and wear sunblock! Tools more »
Wooten Planning Contact Team Meeting Tonight!
Wooten Neighborhood Plan Contact Team will meet TONIGHT 10/9 at 7pm At least one representative from CM Chito Vela’s office (and possibly Mr Vela himself) will be there. Location: Redeemer Lutheran commons (Lazy Lane @ Anderson: Enter through the main more »
Zoning Change NPA-2023-0017.01_Anderson Square (Crestview/Wooten NP Area) Community Meeting
The City of Austin will hold a virtual Community meeting to discuss the zoning change request for Anderson Square. The meeting will be held on October 18, starting a 6 pm. Zoning Request documentation, including information about the meeting, can more »
Renunion para Zonificacion Cambio de Anderson Square
El Departamento de Planificación de la Ciudad de Austin recibió una enmienda al plan vecinal y una solicitud de cambio de zonificación para propiedades ubicadas dentro del Plan Vecinal Combinado (Wooten) de Crestview/Wooten. La renunion communitaria virtual va ser el more »
Wooten Neighborhood Association – September 2023 Minutes

Call to Order The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:10 pm. The meeting was held at the lunch room in the Redeemer School. The meeting was called to order by the president. Introduction The attendees went around introducing more »
Wooten Neighborhood Association – July Meeting Minutes
Call to Order The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:10 pm. The meeting was held at the lunch room in the Redeemer School. The meeting was called to order by the president. Introductions The attendees went around introducing more »