The fall newsletter: multicolored and multifabulous. Read it here. WootenNews, October 2015
A message about holiday burglary
Originally written for holiday safety, we’re keeping these reminders from our former district representative handy.
Bonsai! (or: New life for old shrubs)
Unless you’re keeping unwanted shrubbery for the Knights Who Say Ni, consider the Austin Bonsai Society to rehome your plants—they’ll even dig up eligible candidates to be styled as living artwork by local bonsai artists.
Thanks for loving our park
We can never say enough good things about our Wooten Park — or the volunteers who keep it pretty. Get a look at their latest accomplishments.
WNA September Meeting Minutes, 9/14/15
Wooten Neighborhood Association Minutes from the WNA Meeting, September 14, 2015 President Chris Gregory called the meeting to order at 7pm. The minutes from the July meeting were approved. Treasurer Victor Engel provided a Treasurer’s Report: The current more »
Your new summer read
A couple of posts from your neighbors, plus some tasty bites of news in this edition of WootenNews. Give it a read.