The online edition of the August/September newsletter has more news — a whole page more than the print edition. City Council candidates, a new parents’ group, and the July 4 parade and the puppy’s blue eyes in color. Download the more »
WNA July Meeting Minutes, 7/14/14
Wooten Neighborhood Association Minutes from the WNA Meeting, July 14, 2014 President Chris Gregory called the meeting to order at 7pm. The meeting minutes from May were approved. Sarah Gregory provided a treasurer’s report. WNA received $374.97 in more »
WNA May Meeting Minutes, 5/12/14
Wooten Neighborhood Association Minutes from the WNA Meeting, May 12, 2014 President Chris Gregory called the meeting to order at 7pm. The meeting minutes from March 2014 were approved. Sarah Gregory provided a treasurer’s report. The neighborhood garage sale more »
Newz N the Hood
The news in Wooten, circa Spring 2014. Find out here.
Neighborhood Garage Sales, May 3
Your neighbors are holding sales to raise funds for the park — please visit them!
WNA March Meeting Minutes, 3/10/14
Wooten Neighborhood Association Minutes from the WNA Meeting, March 10, 2014 President Chris Gregory commenced the meeting at 7:01pm. Steve Rogers moved to approve the minutes from January; Patty Colligan seconded; the minutes were approved. Sarah Gregory provided a more »