Wooten Neighborhood Association Minutes from the September 10, 2013 meeting President Joshua Merritt called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm. He introduced Officer Joe Hebbe, our District Representative with the Austin Police Department. He has 20 years of experience more »
Here’s some stuff you didn’t know
Read the Fall 2013 WootenNews to learn what’s going on around you. Pop quiz on Monday.
WNA elects new officers
Wooten’s 2013-14 officers, elected by the membership at the September meeting, are: President Chris Gregory Vice President Marilyn Rogers Secretary Marissa Latta Treasurer Sarah Gregory
Sept 19 meeting: Austin’s Zoning Rewrite
Jeff Jack will speak about the land development code revision process at the September 19 Sustainable Neighborhoods meeting. The meeting is from 7:00 to 8:30 PM at the Village Christian Apartments activity room, 7925 Rockwood. It is open to more »
Community Dialogue: Live, work or play near Lamar & Justin Lane?
If you live, work or play near Lamar & Justin Lane, give input on the future of City-owned land near the Crestview and Brentwood neighborhoods. Your ideas will be compiled into a “Listening to the Community” report that goes to more »
10_ONE redistricting progressing slowly
The 2012 November election brought with it myriad choices for the City of Austin. One that was approved by voters was a city charter amendment known as 10-1 (Proposition 3). In essence, this amendment to the City Charter requires a more »