Dig your park – help plant trees Nov. 16

Wooten Neighborhood Park is destined to become much shadier. TreeFolks and Urban Forestry will bring around 70+ five gallon native trees and small saplings to provide shade and wildlife habitat, and to reduce water runoff. Planting smaller trees will enable more »

Wooten and city council redistricting

As the new Austin voting districts are determined for 10-1, Wooten could share a district either with neighborhoods mostly to the north to become a Hispanic Opportunity District, or with other North Central neighborhoods that border Burnet Road. Each option has advantages for us.

September WNA meeting minutes

Wooten Neighborhood Association Minutes from the September 10, 2013 meeting President Joshua Merritt called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm. He introduced Officer Joe Hebbe, our District Representative with the Austin Police Department. He has 20 years of experience more »

WNA elects new officers

Wooten’s 2013-14 officers, elected by the membership at the September meeting, are: President Chris Gregory Vice President Marilyn Rogers Secretary Marissa Latta Treasurer Sarah Gregory