If you live, work or play near Lamar & Justin Lane, give input on the future of City-owned land near the Crestview and Brentwood neighborhoods. Your ideas will be compiled into a “Listening to the Community” report that goes to more »
10_ONE redistricting progressing slowly
The 2012 November election brought with it myriad choices for the City of Austin. One that was approved by voters was a city charter amendment known as 10-1 (Proposition 3). In essence, this amendment to the City Charter requires a more »
WNA Meeting Minutes 7-8-13
Wooten Neighborhood Association July 8, 2013 Meeting Minutes President Joshua Merritt called the meeting to order at 7 pm. Steve Rogers made a motion to approve the minutes from the May meeting. David Tomlinson seconded the motion, and all members more »
What’s going on?
You wouldn’t have to ask if you’d read the newsletter. Quick, here’s your chance to catch up. Read the Summer ’13 newsletter here.
May 2013 WNA Meeting Minutes
In the absence of President Joshua Merritt, Vice-President Carolyn Spock called the May meeting to order at ca. 7:15 PM in the the Redeemer Lutheran Church cafeteria. It was noted that she would also be taking notes for the meeting, more »
Spring reading
Spring has sprung / the grass has riz / the newsletter’s full / of neighborhood biz. Read the Spring 2013 edition here.