Click the ‘Read more’ box for the Wooten Neighborhood Association’s 9/14/09 meeting minutes.
July 2009 WNA minutes
Click the ‘Read more’ box for the Wooten Neighborhood Association’s 7/13/09 meeting minutes.
May 2009 WNA minutes
Click the ‘Read more’ box for the Wooten Neighborhood Association’s 5/11/09 meeting minutes.
March 2009 WNA minutes
Click the ‘Read more’ box for the Wooten Neighborhood Association’s 3/9/09 meeting minutes.
January 2009 WNA minutes
Click the ‘Read more’ box for the Wooten Neighborhood Association’s 1/09 meeting minutes.
WNA November Meeting Minutes, 1/24/09
President Adam Turner called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm. The minutes of the November 10, 2008 WNA meeting were unanimously approved. Treasurer’s Report: Janie Riley sent a report that as of 12/31/08 WNA has a balance of $1,884.18. more »