The Wooten Neighborhood Plan Contact Team will be meeting on June 10th at Redeemer School to discuss the Anderson Square Rezoning Case. At the last WNA meeting, there was much discussion about the Anderson Square Rezoning case. This included discussing more »
May 13th, 2024 Wooten NA Minutes
Officer Reports Treasurer Patty gave reports on bank balances: Checking: $1116.59 Savings: $25 Park Fund: $2384.22 Parks Committee Chair Seju reports doing a rock painting project President Sandra reported that Wooten Elementary and Burner Middle School are being renovated Rezoning more »
Wooten Neighborhood Association Meeting

The Wooten Neighborhood Association meeting will take place in person at Redeemer School, starting at 7:00 pm on May 13. The meeting will focus on obtaining updates on various committees and to discuss the Zoning Change Request that appear in more »
Wooten Neighborhood Contact Meeting
Join us this upcoming Monday, April 29 at El Nuevo Mexican Restaurant, across from the pink gorilla on Anderson. The neighborhood Contact team will get together to discuss the ambitious development planned for across the street at Wooten’s southeast corner, more »
Neighborhood School Renovations

In the 2022 AISD Bond, two Wooten Neighborhood schools received approvals for full modernizations: Wooten Elementary and Burnet Middle. Both these schools have been opened for over 60 years. The renovations will help these schools meet the needs of current more »
Living Streets ribbon-cutting ceremony on Wooten Drive March 20th 10 am

The City of Austin will be holding a ribbon-cutting ceremony at the Wooten Drive Healthy Street. The Living Streets Program limits motor vehicle traffic to activate neighborhood streets as places for residents to gather together and play. The Ceremony will occur at more »